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Compliance & Supervision  consulting that suit your needs

Business Continuity Plan

The business continuity plan offered by Compliance Solutions of New York, enables you to enhance your business resiliency and will be FINRA rule 4370 compliant.  Our experts   will evaluate the present condition of your Business continuity plan to discover and remedy any short comings. Might you be able to keep up with “business as usual”, even with disturbance? If yours resembles numerous associations, you may battle to apply time and assets to your business congruity program. Particularly when you need to synchronize a large number of changes to recuperation contents, manage deficiencies in staff and specialized know-how, and react to different business weights.

Focus Filing & FINOP Services

At Compliance Solutions of New York, we have an experienced staff Financial and Operations Principals who can act as your firm’s FINOP on either a temporary or permanent basis. Our FINOPs have real world experience at brokerage firms that conduct differing types of securities business and have the experience necessary to serve as your FINOP regardless of the kind of business your conducting.


The FINOPS @ Compliance Solutions of New York are equipped to handle the preparation and filing of your firm’s FOCUS Report on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on regulatory requirements. Our experts can quickly and accurately compute your firm’s net capital and file all required FOCUS Reports in a timely and accurate manner, while saving you precious time and resources.

Firm Element Continuing Education

FINRA rule 1240 requires each broker/dealer to develop and implement a continuing education program for covered registered persons that is designed to enhance their securities knowledge, skill and professionalism. “Covered registered persons” generally includes any registered persons that have direct contact with customers, research analysts and immediate supervisors of such persons. Each firm is required annually to conduct a Needs Analysis and use the information collected during the Needs Analysis to develop a Written Training Plan for delivery of the firm’s continuing education program. The experienced consultants at Compliance solutions of New York will with your firm to either design custom modules, or help you find outside vendors that will accomplish the objectives of your firm’s Needs Analysis and Written Training Plan. Our goal is to make sure that your training needs required by NASD Rule 1120 are met and that the training provided is convenient, meaningful, and cost efficient.

Registered Representatives Registrations

Navigating Web CRD can be a daunting task. Compliance Solutions of New York can provide services all aspects of registered representative registration, including amending U-4s and U-5s, open FINRA exam windows and file Disclosure Reporting Pages for your registered representatives. Let the registration experts at Compliance Solutions of New York handle your registration needs so you can focus on other areas of your business

Annual Compliance Meeting

No matter how large or small your firm is, we can help you with your annual compliance meeting. Our experienced consultant staff can handle any aspect of your annual compliance meeting from simply creating the materials being used, to organizing, presenting and documenting the entire meeting. Compliance Solutions of New York maintains an extensive library of presentations on a variety of securities related topics and is updated annually to meet FINRA priorities.

Work Flow Advisement Services

The experts at Compliance Solutions of New York will work side-by-side with your broker dealer to evaluate and advise the work flow for any department of your business. Our staff have had years of experience in the securities industry and can provide useful insight regarding more efficient ways to process and improve work flow. Changing the way work is processed can have a dramatic impact on your broker-dealer’s efficiency and resources spent.

Other Services Provided 

- CAT Reporting


- CAIS Reporting


-Trade Surveillance Exceptions Processing (Layering, Spoofing, Trading Ahead, etc.)


- Anti-Money Laundering Audits


- FINRA Rule 3110 Annual Reviews


-- Advertising, Email & Social Media compliance review consultations


- Outsourced Experienced Principals for all business lines


- Risk Assessments


- RIA SEC State Applications Services


- Form ADV Updates


- SEC Rule 206(4)7 Testing

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